04 July 2011

Foxfield Fourth of July

Here's life in a small town.  We have our own Fourth of July parade, and Annika and Ted were both in it today.  Our town is 1 mile square, and sandwiched in between larger suburban areas of the greater Denver area.  But we try to maintain a rural environment.

So everyone lined up at 10am, and my parents and Ted's mom and I went up to watch the festivities.  

 Boy Scout Color Guard led off the parade.  I wish there had been some great parade marching music.  We all stood up and they saluted us.  My dad had his Korea War Veteran ballcap on.  Lots of people told him thanks for his service.  He loved it.  I am pretty sure my sister gave him that hat, so thanks, sis!

 Following next was the lawn tractors.  There's Annika, and Ted is escorting her on his RED roller blades, haha.   That dad in front of them is pretty styling with that big wig ;)

 There's Annika, with her itty bitty tractor following behind...

 She is so ready to drive.  Driving the tractor on the street, getting too close to driving for this mama.
 I LOVE that all these families had worked on little floats and were enjoying the 4th together.  I think there were more people in the parade than there were watching.  

 Everyone was throwing out candy and beads, even to those of us with no kids with us.  So Dad was busy the whole time picking up stuff...  I scored some tootsie rolls and tootsie roll pops!  WooHoo...

 One of the political floats.  T-Bone is running for Sheriff.  They are promising block parties every week and no more coyotes.  They have my vote!!

 Next were all the cars.  Old cars, cool cars, cruizin in Foxfield!!


Then the horses.  Oh, and we had a family with their goat, with a cute little red, white and blue coat on, watching the parade next to us.
Pretty horses!!  

Then we all congregated at "The Parade House" for an awesome barbecue.  Hamburgers and hot dogs, and tables full of salads, chips, desserts!!!  

 Ted even let us practice our face painting on him.  What a Dad!!!

 Mormor, Grandpa, Grandmawanna, and Ted, enjoying the shade and the food.

The Food Barn!

So that's how we do the Fourth here in Foxfield.  Tonight, we are going to church, for the first annual Fourth of July Festival at MHC.  Annika and I are going to do face painting, and there will be bouncy houses, etc., and Chick-fil-A dinner and we are going to watch the fireworks from Highlands Ranch.  I am sure it will be a huge success, our first big community outdoor event at our new church campus.  

Happy Fourth of July to you all. 
Thank you, Lord, for giving us this amazing country, for guiding our Founding Fathers 235 years ago in establishing this country, and for the freedom we still enjoy, freedom to worship and freedom to live our lives and raise our families according to your ways!

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